The Police
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How Secure Is Your Home?

Good evening Resident,


Please see the attached file put together by Neighbourhood Watch.


It allows you to assess how secure your property is and it provides you with some handy guidance as well.


Some of the questions may appear obvious whereas others can be a timely reminder to some for those jobs around the house that keep getting put off.


Alternatively, if you are vulnerable, elderly or have been a victim of household crime you can make a referral to ‘The Bobby Scheme’ via the below link.


REFERRAL FORM | THE BLUE LAMP TRUST - anyone can make a referral including individuals, friends, family and other professionals.


‘The Bobby Scheme’ offer a full crime prevention and fire safety survey which is carried out by one of their trained, police-vetted fitters. They will provide both general and specific crime and fire prevention advice to improve home safety. When appropriate their fitters will fit items such as locks, spy-holes, door chains and smoke alarms, etc. This service is completely free.


If you found this message useful please rate it using the buttons at the bottom.


Thank you for taking the time to read this Hampshire Alert.


Have a good weekend!


PCSO 12862 Jemma Burbury

Waterlooville South Neighbourhood Policing Team


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Message Sent By
Jemma Burbury
(Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary, PCSO, Waterlooville South Neighbourhood Policing Team)

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