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Appeal for other victims to come forward following theft from motor vehicle in Horton Heath

PLEASE REPORT: Officers investigating a theft from vehicle in Horton Heath are appealing for other potential victims to come forward.
The incident occurred in Centaury Gardens at approximately 4.30am on Tuesday 21 May.
It's suspected that other vehicles may also have been broken into on the morning in question.
We are encouraging people to report any incidents to us at the earliest opportunity, so these too can be investigated. Please quote incident number 44240212327 when contacting us.
You can report incidents to us by calling 101, or via the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary website, below;
Report a crime | Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary

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Message Sent By
Kieran Howard
(Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary, Communications Officer (Communities) , Eastleigh, Hedge End and New Forest)

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