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West Wight Neighbourhood Newsletter - July 2024

Welcome to the first edition of the West Wight Neighbourhood Policing Team’s newsletter – we will aim to release these on a monthly basis to give you a small snapshot of what our team has been working on.


Firstly, we would like to introduce the Team… 


Inspector Kevin Hercock and Sergeant Chantal Miller lead the team, which is broken down as follows:


Cowes – PC Pete Crews, PCSO Lotte Scott, PCSO Lisa Paul, and PCSO Poppy Yeo. 

Yarmouth – PC Matt Rowlands, and PCSO Steve Anker.

Wight Rural – PC Liz Clapp and PCSO Justin Keefe.

Newport – PC Kane Brookes, PC Dan Renshaw, PC Georgie Blanchard, PC Jack Evans, Special Constable Holly Deacon, PCSO Steve Oatley, PCSO Jo Vincent-White, and PCSO Kevin Cooke.


PC Crews, PC Rowlands, PC Blanchard, PC Evans and PC Clapp also hold the role of Designated Neighbourhood Officer (DNO) for their areas – more commonly known as your local ‘Beat Bobby’! But all work as a team, assisting each other when needed.


You can find more details of the DNO for your local area here: https://hampshirealert.co.uk/Content/AllLocalAreas 


So what are the team doing…


We are aware that cycling in the High street in Cowes is a big concern for the community. It is the topic that is raised the most and has been for some years. Inspector Hercock has been looking into the Traffic Orders and signage to problem solve this and look at what more can be done – this includes liaising with local councillors and partner agencies to look at the existing signage and education. In the meantime please can cyclists dismount their bike on the High Street, and help us keep the area a safe place for everyone to use.

There will be bicycle marking events at Cowes Police office in August – the first on Thursday 8th August from 1400 – 1600 and the second on Wednesday 21st August from 1100 – 1300. All you need to do is bring the cycle that you want marked and we will do the rest. Cycle marking increases your chances of being reunited with your bike if it is lost or stolen.

The summer months tend to be the busiest in Cowes – the team have been out patrolling the town and engaging with people enjoying nights out, to provide them personal safety advice and to be visible to anyone who needs the help of police. This will continue throughout the summer.



Officers from Wight Rural South joined up with Firearms Licensing and the Force’s Country Watch team – our specialist rural and wildlife crime team – at the Royal IOW County Show on the weekend of 13th & 14th July.

It was a very busy weekend promoting Rural Crime prevention.

We spoke to lots of members of public who were very interested in some of the unusual items on display – including some seized ivory, rare butterflies which had been brought into the country illegally, and illegal traps, catapults and ball bearings which have been used to herd animals.

We gave out advice and crime prevention tips too to members of the public, and encourage people to provide us with feedback via the Let’s Talk survey here: https://survey.hampshirealert.co.uk/ 



The West Wight team have been issuing warning letters to people in the area regarding drug taking & supply. The warning letter informs the recipient that we know what they are up to, and we inform the landlords of any affected properties that this warning has been issued. This will have a detrimental effect on their tenancy in which they could be given notice to leave. This will be an ongoing commitment of ours which we will be working with partners to tackle.



DNOs are compiling evidence for Criminal Behaviour Orders and Community Protection Notices to address the behaviour of prolific offenders. This is awaiting presentation to court. 

The team are reinvigorating the Newport Shopwatch scheme working with local retail stores and welcoming new members. 

Traffic operations have started locally around Newport to address nuisance vehicles and anti-social driving to be addressed by Section 59 legislation – giving police powers such as seizing offending vehicles – and use of speed guns.  This will continue regularly over the summer months.  

A burglary suspect was arrested by the Neighbourhood Enforcement Team with the support from Newport Officers - the male is currently remanded to prison.

Newport Town Centre Neighbourhood Team have been responding to an increase in reports of anti-social behaviour around Church Litten and within the grounds of St John's Church, Newport Town Centre. Officers from the team have been conducting regular patrols in the area to disrupt the actions of those involved. Officers have so far encountered a number of individuals within the church grounds causing anti-social behaviour and they have all been warned about their conduct. Additionally, two of the individuals have been reported to court for breach of a Community Protection Notice. 

A residents meeting was held at the church on Thursday 11th July which was attended by local residents, PC Evans and PCSO Oatley from the local policing team, and the St John's Church Warden. This meeting provided a platform for local residents to express their concerns, and be involved in problem solving discussions with the police and Church Warden. 

All areas have regular beat surgeries for you to attend, to chat, raise concerns or just to meet the local team. Look out on Social Media for these being advertised: https://www.facebook.com/IOWightPolice 

We would like to thank all the local partners for their support and co-operation in seeking to resolve the issues that we were faced with in the local community. 


As always, if you see anything suspicious or witness a crime, please report this to us by calling 101. If it is an emergency, dial 999 immediately. 


West Wight NPT

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Message Sent By
Jack Backwell
(Police, Corporate Communications Officer, Hampshire and Isle of Wight)

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